The shareholders approved the merger of Disney-Fox. What obstacles still exist


  Shareholders approved the merger of Disney-Fox. What Barriers Remain

21st Century Fox shareholders approved the sale of the company's entertainment assets at Walt Disney Co. Friday, leading one of the largest media rockets in history a step from more towards the finalization.

In recent months, I've heard about the company's attempt to buy Fox. At one point, it seemed that the case could be broken, since Comcast subsequently made an offer for Rupert Murdoch's company.

But later, Disney made an offer for an even bigger deal. It seems that the new amount provided by Disney was good enough because the shareholders of Disney and Fox have approved the merger in the meantime

Of course, the shareholder approval is only one obstacles that both companies must overcome before the merger agreement to complete. It is also said that the merger agreement was approved by the United States Department of Justice with certain conditions, namely that the buyer company should abandon the regional sports networks of Rupert Murdoch

The agreement should also be approved by the Federal Communications Commission in the United States before it can be completed, so the two companies still have to get rid of the obstacles

Comcast also officially withdrawn offered and Disney's felicity for the future merger. It remains to be seen when everything is over, but we can say that there will be immense implications that will be the result of this merger.

According to Rupert Murdoch, Executive Chairman of Fox, "Fouling of 21st Century Fox Business with Disney and the establishment of the new" Fox ". will bring significant benefits to our shareholders. With the help of all our managers and colleagues, we expect that Disney will grow and that the new 'Fox & # 39; in the media and entertainment industries. "

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