The Terrafugia Transition leaflet will be launched in 2019


Terrafugia Transition could be the first fleet to go on sale. The automaker has announced that the vehicle will be available for sale next year.

Although it is characterized as a flying car, the Transition is seen by Terrafugia more like a more comfortable aircraft than a landing car. and

Terrafugia Transition has a hybrid propulsion that uses both a conventional gasoline engine and a battery. It also has a boost mode that offers greater power over a limited period of time.

The Dynon and BRS partners are the ones who provided the avionics and rescue parachute systems. For added security, passengers will use their seatbelt and will be protected by airbags.

According to the manufacturer, the flying vehicle offers a range of over 600 kilometers and can reach speeds of 160 kilometers per hour

The manufacturer has not announced the price of 39, purchase of the vehicle whose piloting requires a pilot's license

Terrafugia Transition has been in business for more than 10 years, in 2009 the first prototype was launched. Since then, the pace of development has been slow until last year, when the company was acquired by Geely, owner of Volvo.

Terrafugia is not the only company that believes in the future of flying machines. Along with the heavyweights of the aviation industry, Airbus and Boeing, Uber and Google co-founder Larry Page, are also investing in such vehicles. Newspapers com and Facebook!

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