There is a known bank in Romania


The Greek group Vardinogiannis announced Wednesday that it had finalized the acquisition of the Romanian subsidiary of Marfin Bank, following the receipt of the favorable opinion of the National Bank of Romania

"As part of the investment strategy in Romania, the Vardinogiannnis group has already acquired Marfin Leasing and continues to consolidate its presence in the local financial market," says

The Vardinogiannis Group operates in several industries, such as energy (refineries, gasoline chain, "We believe in the potential of the local market and we are determined to sustainably strengthen our presence in Romania and to create added value for the local economic environment, "said group representative Vardinogiannis in Romania, Georgios Taniskidis

Marfin Bank has 30 branches there is also a volume of assets closely The bank generated a net profit of 5.7 million lei in 2017.

The Vardinogiannis Group is the majority shareholder of Motor Oil Hellas Corinth Refineries, listed on the Paris Stock Exchange. Athens, with a market capitalization of 2.1 billion euros

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