Ubisoft prepares future programmers. How many are going?


Ubisoft launched, in Bucharest, the Coding Campus, a pilot program that provides students with the opportunity to learn by accelerating for six months of programming in the video game industry. Unfortunately, the political and economic climate in the country is pushing about a third of young people to seriously think about leaving Romania after the end of classes.

The program was built by Ubisoft, 100% in-house. Why is it necessary? "The market is increasingly in need of specialists to develop online programming.There is a formal education system that is lacking, so we are involved," say Ubisoft officials. The program lasts 6 months on a program developed by specialists from Ubisoft.

A junior in the video game programming industry would receive just over 1,000 euros while a more experienced employee would receive more than 2,000 euros in Romania. Wages vary considerably from one country to another

In practice, two months focus on C ++, four months on online programming. The result? 24 programmers online who no longer have any obligation to work at Ubisoft, although the company makes their access easier if they wish. "Career in the play area is quite difficult; People choose this career because they enjoy the challenges and do not want to do what is already on the market," says Horia Pintilie, project mentor

finishes by saying that after completing the courses, the skills acquired within the Coding Campus.] young people could engage in coding on any field – from the bank, e-commerce or any type of software, being an extremely vast and not very easy field.

Teachers come from the University of Mathematics -Information and Game Dev. Academy

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In addition to the monthly grant of 500 euros NGO, students have access to facilities – the relaxation room, the canteen, the gym and can participate in national events.

The recruitment campaign took place over three months, with Ubisoft HR having more than 1000 candidates. "We want this program to become a reference in the industry to train experts in this field."

How were the participants trained?

To participate in the program, a certain technical level is required – this is not the case the programming language, how to solve the problem that the participants have the ability to adapt

"The first technical selection left about 100 candidates.After the online preselection, HR and technical interviews followed.Other requirements – flexibility, adaptability to another culture, "say representatives of Ubisoft

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