Vassilis Stavrou leaves Mega Image, his position being taken over by a Romanian


Vassilis Stavrou, currently Managing Director of Mega Image, will be appointed President of the Alfa Beta Brand in Greece, effective October 1, 2018, succeeding Leonidas Vrettakos, who will step down. Alfa Beta is one of six Ahold Delhaize group companies active in Central and Southeast Europe.

Stavrou will leave Mega Image in the hands of Mircea Moga, now vice president of sales and logistics at Mega Image, who will be named president of the brand

"We are very happy that Vassilis returns to Greece to take the lead of 39, Alfa Beta, a company he knows well.Vassilis started his career at Alfa Beta in 1994 and got to know the organization through different roles such as logistics, quality assurance and human resources.We have every confidence that he is the good leader to make sure that Alfa Beta retains the number one position it currently holds on the Greek market ", said Frans Muller, CEO of Ahold Delhaize.

Mircea Moga participated in the development of the company, helping to increase four stores when he began his career in Mega Image in more than 620 stores today

Vassilis Stavrou, 48 , holds the position of General Manager of Mega Image halfway through 2015, having a 24-year retail experience. The director is based on studies in food science and technology

In an interview with Progressive magazine, shortly after taking office in Romania, he said: "We started in the Delhaize group, in the logistics department After a few years, I moved to the department of quality and food safety, then in the field of human resources, in various positions of regional responsibility.Before taking my duties as CEO of Mega Image Romania, I am For nearly a year, I held the position of Business Development Director for Southeast Europe and Indonesia.

Founded in 1995, Mega Image is the largest business unit in the world. one of the largest supermarket chains in Romania with a network of 623 stores in Bucharest, Cluj-Napoca, Constanta, Ploiesti, Brasov, Târgovişte, Timisoara and other cities of the country under the trademarks Mega Image, Shop & Go , Romanian n Gusturi

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