Victor Ponta exploded on hearing of the latest government decision: "Parents must be vigilant and protect their children. A new thief has appeared in Romania – New sources


Victor Ponta reacts harshly to the government's announcement on the draft emergency ordinance, according to which, as of 2019, a state bonus of 600 lei a year will be granted to people opening an "individual savings account". The former prime minister said the government was acting like a thief because savings accounts can only be withdrawn when the holder has reached the age of 18.

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"I ask all parents to be vigilant and to protect their children – a new dangerous danger has appeared in Romania: the Dragnea / Dancila government!

Bickering beats a new record! The Dancila / Dragnea government has finished the money of banks and people – now takes money from our children!

Today, in Alba Iulia, Mrs. Viorica Dancila announced a new emergency ordinance concerning the implementation of the government program "Individual Junior Savings Account".

I have read the text of the ordinance / I saw that all children have an open treasure account where parents can deposit money – and the government guarantees a good interest and a budget premium proportional to the amount deposited!

I finally said a good idea – congratulate them! Good luck though, I read the text again; and I discovered the "devil" hidden in Article 6 of the ordinance (I do not know if the devil is Valcov or Teodorovici, but it's a cynicism and a nastiness without previous):

"Article 6 – the amounts available on the account of individual savings Junior can not be withdrawn before the age of 18 years reached by the holder"

Wow – the government will take the children 's money today and give it back to them when the child turns 18 – your money no longer belongs to you, that is Dragnea, Dancila, Valcov, and and so on!

1. If you deposit money in a bank, you can withdraw it at any time (if you lose interest if you are in a deposit) / if you send it to the government, you receive it only when you have it. at the age of 18.

2. Unlike banks, the government has no obligation to tell you what it is doing with your money or where it will return

3. If the government were to use this money for educational and social programs for children, that would be something else – but that money goes to the budget to fill the current gaps.

4. This huge scam is a new debt that we all have to pay back on 18/17/16 – that is to say that Dancila is spending today and we are paying over several years.

I ask all parents to be vigilant and to protect their children – a new hot spot has appeared in Romania: the Dragnea / Dancila government, "writes Ponta on Facebook.

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