What are the 100 most valuable companies in the world?


The market value of the top 100 companies
overall has increased significantly over the last year from about 2597
billions of dollars, or 15%, compared to March 31, 2017, the data shows
from the PwC Global Top 100 study. This increase adds to the 12%
recorded in 2017, and the market capitalization continues to grow each year by
to the global financial crisis.

48% of the growth of
provided by American companies, in a solid economic context
according to their dominant position in the technology sector. Europe
recorded an increase in market capitalization for the second year in a row,
but with an unchanged share in the ranking of the 100 largest companies
of the world according to the value of the market.

For the fourth year in a row, the United States
give more than half of the companies that make up the top 100 (54 companies
it decreases from 55 to 2017). In addition, the value of companies
The US accounts represent 61% of the total, compared to 63% last year.

Amazon is the strongest company
increasing capitalization, gaining, at market value, about 278
billions of dollars or 66% compared to 2017. In the following places are
two companies in China, Tencent, with an increase of 224 billion
dollars, or 82% over last year, and Alibaba, with an increase of 201 billion
$ or 75%. The next three companies with the best performance
stock market, in absolute terms, come from the United States – Micosoft, Alphabet and

Although being in 6th place
terms of increasing market value, Apple remains in pole position in this
market capitalization for the seventh year in a row. With all that
these advances to Alphabet, which are second, have fallen
25%, at around $ 132 billion, up from $ 175 billion
2017. Apple paid $ 31 billion in dividends in 2017
investors and for the repurchase of shares, against 29 billion
2016, the largest sum of all major companies. JP Morgan Chase
ranked second in terms of distributed value
shareholders, with 24 billion, rising from 18 billion in the year

we analyze the top in terms of sectors and market capitalization,
technology continues to outpace the financial
third consecutive year, while consumer goods are in place
three. The top three global companies are still in the technology sector
– Apple, Alphabet, Microsoft – tracking, fifth place by Tencent and Facebook on
eighth place, falling from sixth place last year.

European countries have been severely affected by the global financial crisis
decade, which has since led to fluctuations in market capitalization. with
However, last year, Europe managed to consolidate its recent return,
increasing the number of the top 100 companies from 22 to 23. In addition, a
increase in the market capitalization of European companies
about $ 331 billion. However, the number of companies
on the old continent present in the Top 100 is lower than the 33 that they had in
2010, and the market share in the Top 100, 17% in 2018 – although unchanged
of 2017 – is less than 27% of 2009.

Market Capitalization of Chinese Enterprises
present in the Top 100 increases dramatically by 57% compared to 2017. This year
12 Chinese companies are in the Top 100, 10 more than last year.
Hong Kong contributes two more, after last year he had one. in
terms of the absolute growth of the market capitalization, Tencent, is,
for the second year in a row, the Chinese company with the most solid development,
increased its value by 82% to $ 496 billion. In terms
growth is the second highest since
Amazon. Alibaba is the second largest Chinese company in terms of growth and the third
leading the world, with a jump of 75% over last year, reaching 470
billions of dollars. These leaps have led Chinese companies in the Top 10 al
Tencent ranks fifth and Alibaba seventh.

"If we look at the local,
market capitalization of Romanian listed companies
Bucharest was, after the first six months of this year, about 20 years old
billions, while capitalizing all companies on the market
was 36 billion euros. Overall, in the first six months
in the year 2018, the Romanian capital market had a positive evolution,
marked by two inscriptions (a technique and an IPO) and two numbers
obligations. The 40 million euros that Purcari Wineries
attracted them from the scholarship gives a sign of confidence to both investors and
potential investors, and for companies planning to attract
financing, "says Ileana Guţu, Senior Director, Services
evaluation and economic analysis, PwC Romania.

Top 100 Best Companies Worldwide
made by PwC analyzes the top 100 companies by capitalization
global stock market and compares their evolution from year to year
per year. We analyze trends to understand the impact of political events and
external economic so that we can identify which companies have climbed
top and those who have lost positions, we look at the dynamics of sectors and
we present an overview of how the overall context has changed.

This report was based on data
available March 31, 2018 and March 31, 2017 and analyzes the capitalization
companies in US dollars, according to their origin. all
the data used in the analysis were sourced from Bloomberg and have not been verified in
independently of PwC.

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