What is the first team to be eliminated from EURO U21: she was seen among the favorites


Belgium is the first team to be eliminated from the Under-21 Europe Championship, which has been held in Italy and San Marino these days.

The Belgians have lost both Group A matches, Poland (2-3) and Spain (1-2) and have no theoretical chance of advancing to the semi-finals.

After the first two stages, the Group A ranking is as follows: 1. Poland 6 points, 2. Italy 3 points, 3. Spain 3 points, 4. Belgium 0 points.

In the last stage, Belgium will meet Italy and Spain will join Poland.

In case of a tie, the tie will be based on the direct matches. If three teams are in the draw, the golaver will be taken into account.

The semi-finals qualify for first place in all three groups and second place with the highest score.

C. S.

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