Which company ultimately buys the largest bicycle sharing company in the United States?


Which company ultimately buys the largest bicycle sharing company in the United States

  Which company ultimately buys the largest bicycle sharing company in the United States

A company bought Motivate, a network sharing bikes in several cities in the United States. It's actually the largest bike sharing company in the United States. The terms of the agreement were not disclosed, but in June it was said that the purchase contract would be $ 250 million.

Lyft officially entered the field of bike sharing.

Existing Motivate contracts include Citi Bike in New York, Ford GoBike in San Francisco, Blue Bikes in the Boston Metropolitan Area and Divvy in Chicago, among other cities

The terms of the purchase agreement n & # 39 were not disclosed by Lyft in the United States, but previous news indicated that an agreement between Lyft and Motivate could be worth about $ 250 million [19659005] The company buys technology and corporate features of Motivate, including contracts in the cities mentioned above. Bike maintenance activities will remain an independent activity under the Motivated banner and will continue to support bicycle systems in North America.

Lyft, the United States, reports on his blog that 80% of bike trips to the United States last year were on motivated operated systems. This shows that cycling is a powerful option for urban transportation, and Lyft says it's going to revolutionize urban transportation and put bike sharing systems across the country on a path of growth and innovation . "

" The collaboration between Lyft and Motivates Accelerate our collaboration with cities and provide better experiences to our passengers and travelers, "said John Zimmer, co-founder and president of Lyft in the United States

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