Roy Exum: 4,400 dead Tuesday


As of Tuesday of this week alone, more than 4,400 United States citizens died due to causes related to COVID. It was the highest day on record of pandemic deaths in our country and to help you gauge the scale of the virus unleashed, Tuesday’s death toll was 1,597 more than those who died in the attacks terrorists of September 11 (September 11, 2001). There is no reason why experts should not believe that yesterday’s death toll was not worse, and today’s coronavirus deaths will overthrow it.

Here’s the pattern: On Tuesday, there were 229,712 new cases (yes, in a single day) in America – a 37% increase from 14 days earlier.

The daily death rate had jumped 49% in the same two weeks to 4,406. In short, COVID is at a fierce all-time high in the nine months it was observed with horror and the health department yesterday Hamilton County received a shipment of 500 doses of the life-saving vaccine. This is not enough to offer in a drive-through clinic.

This is not meant to scare anyone and those who get angry or “lose their grip” defeats the purpose of knowing the facts. No, there isn’t a big pile of vaccine in a Nashville warehouse that is denied to the public. You should also be aware that the scenery for our counter-strategy changes from hour to hour.

It is incomprehensible to me that no health service in America knows when the vaccine will be available until a shipment is delivered to the loading dock. Just as Hamilton County has rebounded like a champ from a failed start, the State of Arkansas will not administer the first dose until next week. Everything is fine when our Dr Fauci says the federal government is releasing 40 million doses, but when? Or? Who?

The most encouraging news in Hamilton County is that we hope that by Friday the new “by appointment” system will be in place. Yesterday in Atlanta, a man told TV reporters he tried calling the date number 132 times “and no one ever answered the phone.” Since last week, system engineers and software technicians have been tasked with creating a calling network that won’t get stuck or fade under what we all know is a wild ride.

Listen, if the cars start lining up at 4 a.m., knowing the vaccination center won’t open until 9 a.m., what study of patience, sportsmanship, or hair-triggered anger would you recommend? The dating system will work if cold heads and calm voices permit.

Dependent solely on “vaccine supply,” the health department hopes to have several locations ready by the first of next week. And, if the county receives enough vaccines, so-called “strike teams” can be scheduled to appear at recreation centers, school gymnasiums, and easily accessible facilities. In addition, the state will soon appoint “partners” in Hamilton County where hands-on appointments can be made.

From next week, the “second round” vaccines will be available. The two vaccines currently administered require two injections, spaced 21 or 28 days apart. Those who received the first dose several weeks ago (first responders, doctors, frontline workers) will be contacted with an appointment time. After what is believed to be a week after the No. 2 shot, the vaccine will prayerfully ward off the COVID flu in 95% of those vaccinated.

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Health Secretary Alex Azar announced Tuesday that the new federal guidelines will allow anyone over the age of 65 to now receive the vaccine, but the suggestions were not binding. Obviously, people 75 and over are much more susceptible to the virus, so the Hamilton County health official will remain “75 and over” for now. Understand, the concern is that the older ones who need the vaccine most will be squeezed out. There are roughly more than 50 million Americans over the age of 65. The Ministry of Health will lower the age to 65 and over as soon as possible. Again, everything is dictated by “the offer”.

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“At least 146 new coronavirus deaths and 3,849 new cases were reported in Tennessee on January 12. Over the past week, there has been an average of 6,690 cases per day, a 23% increase from the average two weeks earlier.

“As of Wednesday afternoon, there have been at least 649,746 cases and 7,941 deaths in Tennessee since the start of the pandemic, according to a New York Times database.

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According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, those with “pre-existing conditions” are at much greater risk when COVID strikes. “Obesity” affects 40% of Americans, along with diabetes, cancer, chronic lung disease and heart disease, and more. Blacks have more pre-existing problems than whites, but many blacks do not trust the vaccine and have indicated that they will not take it. Nothing is more dangerous than fear, but America has seen over 23 million cases and over 380,000 deaths. A dear black lady from Birmingham has lost ten members of her immediate family. Hispanics are also at greater risk. “Whether you trust him or not, please take the picture.”

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In August, pharmaceutical giant Johnson & Johnson signed a billion dollar contract (marked with a “b”) with the federal government. to deliver 12 million doses of its popular COVID vaccine by February, and ultimately 100 million doses by June. Now, J&J admits production problems, but says they will have “an” amount of vaccine available in several weeks. What makes the J&J vaccine so desirable is that it is a single dose vaccine that can easily be stored in the refrigerator for an extended period of time. (The Pfizer and Moderna vaccines require storage at subzero temperatures and are much more demanding.)

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It is reported that when Congress voted to impeach Donald Trump, as many as 60 of voters tested positive for the virus.

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That’s what the headlines do, but in fact, it’s not unexpected. Once you get the truth, you will find that people are notorious for “hype” in front of television cameras. According to the country’s efficient vaccine adverse event reporting system, there were 308 adverse reactions, according to emergency room data, while 4.8 million doses were administered as of January 5.

This equates to a risk factor of 0.0064. I say it like that …

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