RSV alert of mother after hospitalization of her son: "Do not be selfish"


Last year, a New Jersey mother shared her son's health concerns as a warning to others about the dangers of kissing babies. Ariana DiGrigorio, who last month shared a photo of her son Antonio connected to several medical devices in a hospital cradle, summed up his warning in a short message: "Do not be selfish. Do not kiss babies. It's not worth the shot."

DiGrigorio, a mother of two boys, had informed her faithful in February when her 8-month-old son was hospitalized for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). The virus is considered common and usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. Although most people recover within a week or two, this can be serious in infants and older adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The virus is also the most common cause of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children under 1 year of age in the United States. Symptoms may include runny nose, decreased appetite, coughing, sneezing, fever and wheezing. In young infants, symptoms may include irritability, reduced activity, and difficulty breathing.


Although healthy infants and adults infected with the virus do not generally need to be hospitalized, those with severe cases, especially infants under 6 months of age, may need to hospital care to treat their breathing problems or dehydration.

The virus can spread when an infected person coughs or sneezes, or if droplets infected with coughing or sneezing enter the eyes, nose, or mouth, or touch an infected surface. the virus. It can also be spread through direct contact with the virus, for example by kissing a child's face, according to the CDC.

People infected with the virus are usually contagious for three to eight days, and infections in the United States usually occur in the fall, winter, and spring, prompting DiGrigorio to give his warning.

"Please keep your mouth / breath away from the face, hands and feet of a baby," she wrote on August 23. "Do not be the reasons why a baby is hospitalized (or dead) because the baby was" so cute that I had to kiss him! As a parent, it is very difficult to tell someone (especially a family member or friend) to get away from your baby. It's also very difficult to prevent a person from kissing your child after having already started the game. "

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"Do not be selfish. Do not kiss babies. It's not worth it, "she wrote. "Plus, if you're sick, stay home. What could be a "sinus infection" or "allergies" to you could result in a life-threatening illness for a baby. "

The CDCs have similar guidelines for adults who are in contact with infants or young children, especially those born prematurely or with chronic lung or heart disease and a weakened immune system. The agency recommends washing hands, not touching one's face, avoiding close contact with sick people, covering oneself with coughs and sneezes, cleaning and disinfecting surfaces, and staying at home. home when one is sick.


She finished her message with the picture of her hospitalized son and captioned: "Flashback to AJ at the 8-month hospital with the VRS."


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