Russia must explain how positive drug tests have been removed from its doping laboratory data


Photo: Adam Pretty (Getty)

Russia has three weeks to explain how the results of positive doping tests have been removed from the data sent to the World Anti-Doping Agency, which is still investigating Russia's complex doping system that has lasted for years. to pass urine samples through a secret hole the country somehow, but not really, banned from the 2018 Olympics. According to WADA, the data submitted by Russia do not match the data published by a alert launcher.

The former Russian state-run cheating plot was also unearthed in 2015 thanks to a whistleblower, which resulted in the suspension of the country's anti-doping agency. However, last year – despite the fact that the Russian government refused to assume responsibility for the plot and did not want to provide the WADA data from its database of tests of athletes -, AMA has reinstated Russia. This decision led a WADA official to resign and the WADA Vice President to declare that he had "failed the pure athletes of the world".

WADA terminated its ban on the condition that Russia provide its anti-doping regulators with its database on the results of athlete checks. And now, there are credible reasons to believe that Russia falsified the very evidence that she had agreed to return in exchange for her reinstatement. Malice is caricatural! From the AP:

WADA was informed of the possibility of fraudulent manipulation at its executive committee meeting in Tokyo on Monday. Data submission was an essential condition for the reinstatement of the Russian anti-doping agency, and WADA officially opened a compliance procedure that could lead to a new ban if the data were tampered with.

Computer files have been critical in prosecuting athletes who allegedly cheated at the 2014 Olympic Games and other major events.

"The situation is very serious," said the chairman of the Russian Olympic Committee Stanislav Pozdnyakov in a statement.

If it turns out that the data was falsified, Russia could be banned from the Tokyo Olympics next year. However, if we can believe the past, the corrupt or corrupt people who run the show at WADA will buy all the excuses that Russia will offer over the next three weeks.


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