Russia quietly builds a network of spy satellites capable of spotting US missiles from SPACE


Russia has launched another of its secret espionage satellites designed to quietly track US nuclear weapons.

Launched into orbit from a launch pad in northeastern Russia, the probe can detect long-range missiles as soon as they are launched and record their progress in the sky.

It is the third satellite of this type deployed by Russia since 2015 as part of the project to build a network of space technologies for warhead tracking.

The satellite crossed our atmosphere over a Soyuz rocket launched Thursday from the cosmodrome Plesetsk (Russia).

A statement from the Russian Ministry of Defense did not identify the top secret payload.

However, information on the mission's trajectory published in warning notices to pilots and sailors suggested that the satellite was probably the third Tundra missile warning satellite for Russian servicemen, reports SpaceFlightNow.

    A Russian satellite model considered a tundra


A Russian satellite model considered a tundraCredit: Sergei Porter / Vedomosti

Little is known about the Tundra satellite system because Moscow secretly keeps it secret.

It is a key part of the defense technology of his army and replaces an older missile detection system called Oko, which Russia inherited from the Soviet Union.

Tundra is above all an early warning system allowing Russian officials to react quickly to potential threats.

Each satellite is equipped with infrared telescopes that detect and track heat sources that may be missiles.

    The satellite went into orbit at the top of a Soyuz rocket on Thursday after taking off from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in Russia


The satellite went into orbit at the top of a Soyuz rocket on Thursday after taking off from the Plesetsk cosmodrome in Russia

The United States has a similar missile detection system called SBIRS (Infrared Space System).

Both tools are much better at tracking missile flight paths than ground radar systems.

This is particularly useful for public servants who are trying to determine the target of a weapon.

According to RKK Energia, the Russian company that builds Tundras, each satellite can detect targets up to 600 miles above the surface of the Earth.

Terrifying space weapons of the future

Here are three of the scariest …

Rods of God

  • A strange but quite terrifying weapon has been dubbed "rods of God" and is based on the concept of creating artificial meteorites that can be guided towards the enemy.
  • Instead of using rock rods, the size of the telephone poles is deployed.
  • These would be made from tungsten – a rare metal capable of withstanding the intense heat generated by the penetration of the earth's atmosphere.
  • One satellite pulls the canes toward the earth 's atmosphere while the other directs them to a ground target.
  • Reaching a speed of 7,000 mph, they hit the ground with the force of a small nuclear weapon – but crucially create no radiation falls.
  • Strange as it may seem, a US Congressional report recently revealed that the military was advancing kinetic space weapons.

Molten metal barrels

  • This fascinating idea is developed by the United States Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
  • This is what is known as Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Ammunition or MAHEM.
  • This rail gun can change a jet of molten metal, launched through space to several hundred kilometers per second by the most powerful electromagnets ever built.
  • The molten metal can then turn into an aerodynamic plug in flight and pierce another spacecraft or satellite and an ammunition explodes inside.

Ships of the space force

  • Already, the United States is heading their spacecraft, although China is developing one of their own.
  • US top secret XS-1 being developed by DARPA.
  • He can travel ten times faster than the sound and launch missiles.
  • Meanwhile, an unmanned aerial vehicle is being developed at the China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, also known as Base 29.

This is considerably higher than most ballistic missiles.

Detectable targets included hypersonic vehicles, strategic bombers, low-orbiting satellites, and unauthorized space debris.

A fire on Earth could be detected in 25 seconds, according to the company.

The first two Tundra satellites were launched in November 2015 and May 2017. It appears that Russia will launch 80 in total.

A horror simulation reveals that a nuclear war between the United States and Russia "kills 90 million people immediately"

By the way, a horror simulation released last week showed that a nuclear war between the United States and Russia would cause 34 million deaths, in the space of 45 minutes.

Such a war would wipe out the sun for a decade, according to experts who considered last month the apocalyptic consequences of the Third World War.

And while we are on the theme of the apocalypse, here are all the huge asteroids that NASA thinks it can crush on Earth.

Are you worried about nuclear war? Let us know in the comments!

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