Sage Northcutt says he's getting better after a vast facial operation


Sage Northcutt is not fully recovered after a large facial operation, but at least he looks better.

Last week, Northcutt suffered a brutal defeat in his ONE Championship debut after being knocked down by Cosmo Alexandre in just 29 seconds at the ONE Championship 96.

Although the finish was devastating, Northcutt having planted his head on the canvas, he appeared OK a few minutes later. But the next day, Northcutt announced that he had undergone a nine-hour surgery in Singapore to repair eight facial fractures.

Four days later, on Wednesday, Northcutt released an update, which seemed naturally upbeat while having a better appearance than before (via Instagram).

Still in the hospital, recovering in Singapore, thank you for all these prayers!

Northcutt has not indicated a date for hospital discharge nor a schedule for his return to the cage.

Urijah Faber, a member of the UFC Hall of Fame, who was in the Northcutt corner at the ONE Championship 96, explained the context of the injury during his appearance this week at "The MMA Hour".

"Sage went one way and then the other way, the first time in a ring, and is literally chasing with the most nasty punch and crushing his entire face," said Faber. "Basically, he split his cheek into 30 pieces and broke the orbital bone. He had eight different fractures and literally, they had to extract the bone fragments and 30 different pieces in his face. "

To learn more about ONE Championship 96, visit the MMA Events section of the site.


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