Salmonella outbreaks linked to Italian meats are making dozens of people sick: CDC


Outbreaks of salmonella linked to meats like prosciutto and salami have been reported in 17 states, making dozens of people sick and hospitalizing at least 12 people.

On August 24, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said officials were investigating two outbreaks of salmonella in several states to determine the specific brands causing the illnesses. As of August 24, the health agency had reported 36 illnesses due to salmonella typhimurium or salmonella infantis, with at least a dozen hospitalizations. No deaths have been reported.


The CDC said the numbers are likely underestimated as many recover without treatment and go without testing.

“Epidemiological data show that the probable sources of the two epidemics are Italian meats”, indicates an investigation notice. In cases for which data was available, the results indicated that most people ate “Italian-style meats, including salami, prosciutto, coppa, and soppressata, which are often found in assortments of antipasti or cold cuts; several brands have been reported ”.


Available data suggests more illnesses have been reported in California, Arizona, and Illinois, although states like Washington, Texas, Minnesota, Michigan, Ohio, and others have also reported illnesses.

The CDC has advised high-risk populations (such as children under 5, the elderly, and people with weak immune systems) to contract severe salmonella disease to heat Italian-style meats to 165 degrees. Fahrenheit or steamed. Salmonella infections usually cause stomach cramps, fever, and diarrhea, and symptoms usually last 4 to 7 days. While most people recover without treatment, sometimes serious illnesses require hospitalization because the infection can spread from the intestines to the bloodstream and then elsewhere in the body. For safety recommendations, visit the CDC webpage here.


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