San Bernardino County Teachers Now Eligible for Coronavirus Vaccination – San Bernardino Sun


Teachers who will be in class this school year are now eligible to receive coronavirus vaccines in San Bernardino County, but they will get them from school districts, so appointments at vaccination clinics will go to the elderly , the county announced Wednesday, February 3.

The county also said this week it will open several weeks of vaccination appointments for the elderly and announce plans to open more community vaccination centers.

A mobile vaccination program for older people close to their homes is also on the way, according to a press release from the county.

This is part of a new goal to get as many older people vaccinated as possible.

“Seniors are most at risk from COVID-19,” said Curt Hagman, chairman of the county watchdog, in a written statement. “This is why the county does not have a higher priority than making sure we quickly reach and serve everyone in our county aged 65 and over.”


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