Santa Clara County Launches New Vaccine Data Dashboard to Help Track Equitable Access – NBC Bay Region


The Santa Clara County Public Health Department has launched a new COVID-19 vaccine data dashboard, public health officials said Thursday.

The dashboard includes information on the total number of residents vaccinated to date, in addition to information by race / ethnicity, gender, and age from the state Department of Public Health’s California Immunization Registry.

This data helps track and ensure equitable access for those most at risk of serious illness and death, as well as those most at risk, officials said.

“Addressing health disparities and ensuring equitable access to the COVID vaccine for our hardest-hit communities is and remains the county’s top priority,” said Dr. Sara Cody, Santa Clara County Health Officer.

The county’s recent shift to a “no-door policy” is an example of removing barriers to immunization.

The new policy, announced Thursday, allows residents 65 and over to schedule appointments with any vaccine provider, regardless of coverage, in a bid to streamline immunizations for one of the most popular communities. more at risk.

People aged 65 and over account for 81% of deaths from COVID-19 and about 60% of hospitalizations. So far, about 24% of those 65 and over in the county have been vaccinated and 37% of those 75 and over.

As of Thursday, more than 10% of the county’s population aged 16 and over received at least one dose of the vaccine, “reflecting strong progress,” towards the county’s goal of having 85% of the population immunized by August 1, 2021.

The new vaccine data dashboard will be updated daily. The information is self-reported by county vaccine providers and includes information about non-county residents, such as healthcare workers who live elsewhere but work in Santa Clara County.

The dashboard can be accessed via this link: To make appointments or learn more about immunization in Santa Clara County, visit


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