Saturn in opposition: the planet passes near the Earth on July 9


Saturn will be shining throughout the month of July, but that will give a particularly good performance Tuesday when it will reach opposition, according to AccuWeather.

The opposition occurs when the Earth is completely aligned between the sun and another planet, forming a straight line. In this case it is Saturn and the line is nearly 900 million kilometers long.

July 9th will be the best night to catch Saturn, as it will be at its closest approach and therefore its brightest. The best time to watch the planet is around midnight local time, reports AccuWeather.

With a telescope, you should be able to see the rings of Saturn, composed of particles of dust, rocks and ice. You can also see Titan, the largest moon on the planet.

MORE SPACE: total solar eclipse, black moon, double meteor shower and other astronomy events of July 2019


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