7 health benefits of cruises .. to know them


Written by Nermin Jallad:

Many travelers are traveling from their country to enjoy the sea and the outdoors. Studies have shown the role of relaxation between the sea and the sky to improve mental and physical health. physical of the man. Pleasures and Benefits Known in the Traveler's Encyclopedia report on the benefits of cruises.

1. Sunshine:

There is no better place than a tourist bridge to enjoy the sun in the morning, especially since studies have shown that getting an hour of Natural light in the morning can help adjust your internal clock, allowing you to sleep more deeply.

The sun has several long-term benefits as it helps produce vitamin D, which has recently been shown to play an effective role in the treatment of heart disease and cancer. The sun's rays also increase serotonin levels that fight against depression.

2. Relaxation:

Devoting time to relaxation is vital to improving public health. In contrast, chronic stress leads to poor memory, high blood pressure and heart disease. Surging the pool, enjoying spa treatments and relaxing in a comfortable stay will allow you to spend a stress free holiday.

3. Cleanliness:

In the ship, the parts are clean, elegant and luxurious because they are disinfected unlike the tray, because the hands are washed frequently when they are in the boat.

4- Outdoor:

In addition to relaxing on board, you'll have plenty of time to breathe deeply, and it's known that fresh air helps the lungs and helps digestion, improves pace Cardiac, Immune and Energy Stimulation.


Swimming in salt water can also help improve blood circulation by providing the body with bio-minerals. Ocean waters and saltwater pools also help to achieve natural beauty, provide magnesium skin and enhance the beauty of the skin.

6. Healthy Eating:

Although many people think that it's impossible to eat well during the holidays, cruise ships around the world offer healthy food and snacks tailored to each diet. Vegetarian? Low carb diet? The leaders aboard cruise ships are absorbed by everyone. In addition, cruise ships offer buffets filled with fresh fruit, vegetables and fat-free protein.

7. Activity:

You can practice many activities on board such as climbing, basketball or table tennis. In addition, many cruise ships offer a full service sport including gyms and fitness classes for yoga in the morning.

News 7 (Benefits of cruises .. Learn more about them) Offered by Masrawy
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