850 million people worldwide suffer from kidney failure


A recent scientific study has shown that kidney disease is a "hidden epidemic" affecting more than 850 million people worldwide, according to kidney experts .

According to the American Medical Site "HealthDayNEws" Kidney Disease is Double the Numbers of Diabetics (422 Million) and Over Twenty the Number of People with Cancer (42 Million) or HIV / AIDS ($ 36.7 million). "David Harris," president of the International Society of Nephrology, said, "It's time to focus on kidney disease globally."

Researchers noted that kidney disease does not cause much

Chronic renal failure (lasting more than three months) affects 10% of men and about 12% of women worldwide. While 10.5 million people require dialysis or kidney transplantation, many of them do not receive these life-saving treatments because of cost or lack of resources .

In addition, more than 13 million people suffer from Acute, and some will continue to develop chronic kidney disease or kidney failure .

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