60 grams of nuts a day fight infertility in men


60 grams of nuts daily combat infertility in men, as part of the policy of our site Arab News, the policy to provide news content and distinctive and nothing more than many information sources and news agencies. The news of "60 grams of nuts a day fights male infertility" is the news that has been conveyed and brought accurately and impartially without hiding the truth and without expressing any opinion that aims to control the directions of the Arab reader, where the source of where the news is written We have no hand or interference in the details and content of the news and start with the most important news today, the news of "60 grams of nuts a day fighting infertility in men. "

Arab News – Saturday 7 July 2018 04:15 AM – A study in Spain has confirmed that the inclusion of nuts in the daily diet significantly improves the fertility of men and fights infertility by improving the quality and the function of spermatozoa

The study was conducted by researchers from the University of Rovira e Virgili in Spain. Tuesday, before the Conference of the European Society for the Science of Human Reproduction A study conducted in the Spanish city of Barcelona from 1 to 4 July.

Several studies were conducted to find ways to improve male fertility, and trends in modern diets

To achieve the results of the study, the team conducted a 14-week clinical trial involving 119 young people aged 18 to 35 years.

The young team split into two groups: Daily nuts, nuts, nuts, p While the second group was not eating the nuts, the team found that the nuts were causing positive molecular changes in the sperm of the participants which improved the quality and function of spermatozoa compared to those who did not

. DNA is a factor closely associated with infertility in males.

For this reason, the study found that nuts are rich in nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, selenium and zinc. Folic Acid "The findings highlight the role of nuts in improving sperm quality in men, and reflect the need for extensive research on their benefits in the fight against infertility," said the chief. from the Albert Salas Huetus research team. Eating nuts (camel nuts) regularly can help improve men's fertility by improving sperm quality.

60 grams of nuts a day fight infertility in men, thank you dear Arab Arab and wish to see you always in full health and well-being Be good when you think of us, and do not compromise your opinion in WL news And follow-up to reach you and the latest news, political, economic, technical, sports and technical and the world of Eve and news and entertainment varieties to reach you immediately after the first appearance, 60 grams of nuts per day fighting infertility in men. Daily fight against infertility in men – 60 grams of walnut daily fights infertility in men

Source: Mersal Neur

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