A charity bazaar to support cancer patients in Bhammar


  Charity Bazaar to Support Cancer Patients in Bhammar
Charity Bazaar to Support Cancer Patients in Bhammar

Charity Bazaar to Support Cancer Patients in Bhammar, Today Tuesday, July 10, 2018 19:15, News sites and news agencies are very numerous: they broadcast news from around the world, cover the hottest regions of all countries, broadcast news most popular information in our beloved Arab country and scatter the Arab continent in these new agencies. In most of these sources, we have compiled With all the news from most of these news agencies and news sites, we have taken all this news into one source of information, the Arab News site, and let's start with the news today, "Charity Bazaar to Support Cancer Patients in Thamar."

Tuesday, July 10, 2018 19:15, the story was published by Arab News, [10/يوليو/2018]


The initiative of the hands of student welfare at the # 39; Saida University Bzmar today organized a bazaar of charity for cancer patients,

The charity bazaar contains dishes of the g

At the event in the presence of Hassan Mohammed Abdul Razzaq, Shura Council member, university president, Dr. Ahmad Al-Qadari, noted that the importance of studying the needs of cancer patients who are suffering from harsh conditions due to the scarcity of drugs and rising prices despite the circumstances of the country, praising the initiative of the students and their efforts to adopt this charity.

As Osama al-Shabibi student in the speech of the Organizing Committee Willingness to adopt good deeds

The event, which attended the chairman of the board of directors of the University of Saida Nabil Al Maghribi, deans of faculties and department heads, included a poem and a theatrical presentation expressing the suffering of cancer patients.

A charity bazaar for cancer patients in Bhammar, a message that we send to our dear visitors, full of love, appreciation and respect, even if we had all the money. eloquently, we would not have said that we lacked trust, do not forget to follow us on the social networking pages The site of the Arabs News site, our pages on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus, and the l & # 39; admiration and follow-up to provide you with the latest news and current political, economic, technical, sports and technical news, health and beauty and the world of Eve and news. Bakhmar

Arab News – A charity bazaar supports cancer patients Bzmar – a charity bazaar to support cancer patients Bzmar

Source: Agency