A new study breaks the benefits of "Omega-3"


The study collected data from 112059 patients who participated in 79 randomized trials. The researchers found that the effect of supplementation, on the other hand, that contain little or no omega-3 for the risk of death or heart attack or angina pectoris
The study, published in the journal Cochrane Librari, revealed that the researchers found some benefit from taking these supplements, triglyceride levels, but the disadvantage is that they also reduce levels "The study found benefits of canola oil and nuts, especially in the prevention of cardiac arrhythmia, but Lee Huber, senior research scientist and nutritionist and researcher at Norwich College of Medicine at the University of East Anglia in Britain, said:
For example, if 143 people could take canola oil, u not alone would avoid the health problem.
She explained that if a thousand people increased the amount of canola oil or nuts, only one would avoid death from heart disease or from a heart attack or d? A heart attack
The reason is that "omega-3 supplements reduce triglycerides and if doctors ask patients to take them, they should continue to do so, but for the rest of the day, it's a good thing." between us, eating omega-3s does not protect our hearts. "

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