Amazing benefits of eggplant .. Strengthens immunity and fights anemia


Eggplant is a favorite of large and small, where the variety and variety of recipes for all tastes

Experts advise to eat eggplants as it promotes health and strengthens immunity and fights anemia because it contains a high proportion of iron.

Heart: According to numerous studies, including what was published in the review "The most important benefits of eggplant, Food & Funkness", eggplant contains a combination of m (19659003 ) Weight: Each 100 grams of eggplant contains only 25 calories, and it is high in fiber, which helps to saturate the body. , Improve performance, and eliminate excess fat in foods, a diet that contributes to thinning.

Cancer: The purple dye that gives the eggplant crust is a great source of antioxidants that protect against several types of cancer.

Eggplant to prevent iron deficiency that causes anemia or anemia [196590] 03] bone. Since eggplant is rich in vitamin K, its consumption is considered a way to improve bone density and protect against fractures.
