Blood clots risk many guesses!


  Blood Clots May Have Many Assumptions
Blood Clots May Have Many Assumptions!

Blood clots risk many suppositions! The Al-Wasat newspaper, Tadawul, Norte, where we strive to team up with your prominent journal, always sparkling among social networking sites, to keep you up-to-date with the latest Arab and international news, as well as the latest Arab news. The bloody danger guess a lot! At the other level, we want to impress everyone and we want to impress our website to keep you up to date on social networking sites.

Al-Wasat Newspaper – Stroke is often associated with changes in blood components after 35 years, and increases malnutrition, environment and injury rate of this dangerous process for the Health

Strokes are blood clots formed in the blood vessels or heart, and can occur due to a genetic abnormality of coagulation. On the main veins of the cork


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