Causes and methods of prevention of hepatitis


Thanks for reading about the causes and methods of hepatitis prevention and now with details

On July 28, the world celebrates World Hepatitis Day, where many events are organized around the world to educate people about causes and infections. And how to avoid it.

On July 28, he was chosen to raise public awareness of hepatitis, for accepting the birth of Nobel laureate Nobel laureate Barock for discovering the hepatitis B virus and for having developed a diagnostic test.

Liver viruses are the most common cause of inflammation in the world, and may result from other diseases and toxins such as alcohol and certain drugs, which may be the result of autoimmune diseases

. Hepatitis, called A, B, C, D and E, is the most famous

The most common route of transmission is the consumption of water or food contaminated with the virus, receipt of contaminated blood or contaminated blood products and transmission of the virus by mothers. Who carry them to their babies during childbirth or a family member to an infant in infancy.

WHO statistics for 2017 indicate that 240 million people worldwide are suffering from chronic hepatitis B, 1.34 million have died of hepatitis 20 15.

Tips for hepatitis prevention:

  • Be sure to clean food and water and avoid using other personal tools such as razors and nail coolers.
  • Make sure injections used in hospitals and clinics have never been used.
  • Ensure the cleanliness of the equipment used in dental clinics.
  • Thank you for reading the causes of hepatitis and its methods of prevention on the Gulf 365 and let you know that the subject's content was written by Saudi Arabia 365 and may have been fully transcribed. You can read and follow the news from this source from the following link: Saudi Arabia 365 We are not responsible for the content of this news and best wishes for Happy Day

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