Causes of facial swelling include allergies and pre-eclampsia


Swelling of the face does not only affect the face, but may also include the neck or throat.If there is no injury to the face, the swollen face may indicate a medical emergency. In most cases, the doctor should treat swelling of the face. Here are some of the causes of possible swelling of the face to be fully aware of what may be causing you, as we show you these cases according to the site " Healthline " Medical.

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Inflammatory conjunctivitis

Inflammation of the eye occurs by an allergic reaction to substances such as pet litter, dust, pollen or sprouts


This condition is considered an emergency medical situation, urgent care may be required, and symptoms may include red eye, itching, swelling of the face, and burns. Stomach., Which occur due to high blood pressure in pregnant women and the protein ratios in her urine after 20 weeks of pregnancy, and can lead to serious complications such as hypertension

Preeclampsia can not be ford only at birth, including persistent headaches, vision changes, upper abdominal pain, lower back pain, shortness of breath. As well as a clear swelling in the face.

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Inflammation of the face

Inflammation of the face

This condition is an emergency medical condition, caused by bacteria or fungi that enter through cuts in the skin, producing painful and swollen red skin, and there may also be fever, chills and rashes, a sign of serious infection requiring medical attention.


Rapid symptoms occur after exposure to allergens, including itching, swelling of the face, swelling, low blood pressure, difficulty breathing, fainting, rapid heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. additional symptoms.

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