Children who eat early dry food "sleep better"


Saqr News, BBC Arabic BBC We publish for you children who eat early dry food, "sleep better", children who eat early dry food "sleep better" We send you our visitors News News Today And start with the news The most important,

A recent study found that children who eat dry foods for children after the age of three months and breast milk are better sleepers for children who depend exclusively on breastfeeding.

It is officially recommended to breastfeed children naturally during the first six months of life.

Experts say that "women should take note of these recommendations even if they are still under study."

The study, presented in the journal "Gamma" Pediatrics, showed that giving dry foods to children before 6 months was very beneficial for the child and mother because sleep problems and the mothers' quality of life had improved.

The study conducted by King's College of London and St. George's University of London enumerated approximately 1,303 children in the third month and divided them into two groups.

The first group was breastfed for six months, the second group received dry foods in addition to breast milk and parents completed a form every month until the child reaches the age of 12 months. .

The study found that infants in the group who ate dry foods with their mother's milk slept longer and did not wake up often at night, and their sleep problems were lower than those who were breastfed for 6 months.

The Mothers' Experience

The National Health Service of Britain and the World Health Organization (WHO) are currently advising mothers to wait until they reach the end of their life. at six months before serving their children's dry foods.

Despite official advice, 75% of British mothers gave dry foods to their children before the age of five months, and 25% of these mothers confirmed that their reason was to solve the problem of waking their babies at night, 2010.

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"The results of this research confirm the widespread opinion of parents that bringing children into early foods improves the quality of the child's sleep," said the author. Professor Gideon Luck of Kings College College London. "While it is officially advisable not to provide food to children before they reach six months, this study must be taken into account," he said.

Which foods are right for your child

  • The first foods of a child can include cooked and mashed fruits and vegetables such as: carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples and pears [19659017] Some kids like to start with mashed foods, while other kids need more time to get used to the new flavors, so they may prefer some liquids first.
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    What can feed a child in the first six months is controversial because mothers are feel responsible if they can not breastfeed their children because they feel guilty. Their babies are formula milk or dry foods.

    Last month, the Royal College of Midwives bent to the pressure felt by new mothers and announced new guidelines for midwives to respect women's choice not to breastfeed.

    The study on dry baby foods was funded by the Food Standards Agency, which was studying how children develop allergies. "We encourage all women to stick to official advice and breastfeed their babies exclusively for the first six months of their children," said the spokesman for the agency. ———————

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Source: BBC Arabic BBC

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