Continue on causes of sudden weakness of sight .. and useful foods to improve vision


Continued on the causes of the sudden weakness of the vision .. And the useful foods to promote the vision, according to the newspaper Al-Ahsa transmits the website of the newspaper Al-Wasat containing news about the causes of sudden weakness from the view.

Journal "Al-Wasat" – Al-Ahsa

Weakness of sight is one of the most important punishments we face, especially with age and gradually, but sometimes we can suffer from pain. a sudden weakness of sight. According to the institute of the eye, the causes of sudden hypersensitivity are:

Causes of sudden weakness of vision

1: The retina is the focus surface in the back from the eye, and any damage such as retinal detachment or artery obstruction, Suddenly or blindness.

2: Rheumatoid disease can cause sudden weakness of vision and inflammation of the iris.

3: High pressure disease is the most symptomatic of low vision and is considered a sudden increase in blood pressure, a major cause of double vision.

4: Overwork can cause a lot of damage to health, including sudden weakness of vision.

5: The eye is exposed to wounds and bruises due to facts or misbehavior, which increases the sudden weakness of vision.

6: Infection of the viral and bacterial viral eye.

Certain foods help to strengthen the appearance and protection of the eye:

1: leafy vegetables of the most important foods that promote the health of the body and eyes, including the turnip, lettuce and watercress.

2: Carrots strengthen the eyes, where the islands contain a large amount of vitamins that act to enhance the appearance and improve vision.

3: Black grapes contain anthocyanin, which helps to enhance the appearance of dietary supplements.

4: The egg yolk plays an effective role in promoting eye health because it contains a large proportion of vitamins and supplements.

5: Salmon, one of the most important species of fish that promote the health of the body and eyes because it contains antioxidants and omega 3.

6: Garlic, contains antibacterial agents and bacteria, protects the eyes from infections and weak vision.

7: Nuts of all kinds contain a large amount of vitamins and healthy fats that promote healthy eyes and vision.

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Source: Journal of Al-Ahsa

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