Day 7 Urgent – Tea Damage to the Health of the Stomach and Body


Tea is the main and favorite drink of many, especially after eating each meal because it contains enough caffeine to combat headaches, but excessive tea can cause health problems, especially on the skin. 39; stomach.

According to form the damage to tea is:

Damage to tea on the health of the stomach

  Tea "src =" / content / <br /><span>  </span> </div>
<p>  1: Take your tea continuously, especially on an empty stomach, which causes stomach upset, feelings of tiredness, colic and infections. <br /><span>  Tea <br /><span>  </p>
<p>  2: The increased ingestion of tea causes nausea and vomiting. </p>
<p>  3: increases the risk of gastric and gastric infections and ulcers </p>
<p>  <span> 4: affects gastric juices and causes swelling and pain. ] </p>
<div><img alt= Damage to excessive ingestion of tea on the health of the body.

1: Excessive consumption of tea can affect the health of the kidneys and cause serious infections and cancerous diseases.

2: Anemia causes especially people with general weakness due to the absorption of iron by the body.

3: Causes tooth erosion, spread of germs, bacteria and infections.

4: Increases the risk of arthritis and bone infections and increases osteoporosis.

5: Tea contains a high percentage of caffeine that causes insomnia and anxiety during sleep.

6: Too much tea can affect blood sugar levels, so this should limit diabetes to tea.

Despite the damage, moderation in tea has many advantages, including

Benefits of tea

  Tea "src =" http: //www.elwehda. com / <br /><span>  <br /><span>  </p>
<p>  <span> 1: Works on the activity of the body and promotes the health of the nervous system, concentration and attention. </span> </p>
<p>  <span> 2: Tea contains nutrients that help expel toxins and germs from the body. </span> </p>
<p>  <span> 3: Limits heart attack and arteriosclerosis and maintains health The heart </span> </p>
<p>  <span> 4: Works to control the blood pressure level, so it is useful for stress patients </span> </p>
<p>  </span> </p>
<p>  </span> 6: Maintains skin health and treats inflammation and redness. </span> Tea damage on the stomach and body health – You can see the source of the original news of the link below: The seventh day is urgent and the site of the unit declines any responsibility for the news content, but the responsibility lies with the original news editor. </pre>
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