Detection of the cause of male autism more than women


According to RT Arabic (Russia Today), the website of Al Wasat reports that men are more likely to be autistic than women.

Al-Wasat – Scientists at the University of Maryland in Baltimore found that men had more autism and schizophrenia than females.

Nature Communications published a research poll of researchers who analyzed patient statistics and found that each autistic woman was matched by 3 to 4 males with the same disease.

The researchers also found that this rate applies to people with schizophrenia, attention deficit disorder, dyslexia and mental retardation.

Scientists have identified the gene "OGT" responsible for this disparity between the proportions of neurological diseases, and the gene "H3K27me3" associated with them, affecting the composition of the proteins responsible for feeding the placenta of the # 39; child is still in the womb.

Scientists have shown that the OGT gene is placed on the female chromosome "" and is active in females larger than young, which may explain the multiple injuries of neurological diseases in males.

Source : Izvestia

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Source: RT Arabic (Russia Today)

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