Eating a glass of milk a day protects against clots


News: Eating a glass of milk a day protects clots, we are always eager to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site, a site of information was established in 2016 to provide comprehensive content The Arab and international arena many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political, technical and sports scene and d & rsquo; Other areas of interest for our readers to post on the News News website.

Wednesday 18 July 2018 04:05 News Milk is one of the most important drinks for the body: it is an excellent source of calcium, protein, potassium and phosphorus. And Vitamin A and D, and it's one of the basics of building bones and teeth, in addition to this has multiple therapeutic benefits for the human body and the prevention of many diseases.

The role of milk in the prevention of stroke:
Stroke is one of the most serious diseases that can affect humans, and a new British study has shown that milk plays a important role in the treatment of stroke. Not as harmful as some people think, and also has an effect on cholesterol levels in the blood, and after many tests on people who eat milk daily, the researchers found that whole milk reduces the risk of cholesterol in the blood. stroke and blockage of the arteries. Increases these risks.

Although some people who wish to lose weight avoid taking whole milk for fear of taking too much fat, but researchers have found no evidence linking dairy fats and heart disease and stroke But there is Cream of milk can protect the body from strokes and reduce the risk of clogged arteries. This study coincided with another study conducted in the United States and extended the study for some 20 years, indicating that dairy cream does not increase. The risk of heart disease, and does not cause premature death, is due to the causes of the fatty acids found in it.

Milk protects against obesity:
A recent French study has shown that milk and all its derivatives, such as cheese and yogurt, play no role in weight gain, especially in l & # 39; childhood. The study included about 203,000 and 269 children, and continued for 27 years, and the researchers found that there is no scientific basis indicating that the whole milk or l ''. one of its derivatives help to increase the weight of children, as confirmed by a US study. The recommended daily milk, especially cow's milk, protects children against obesity and the risk of developing gout syndrome. Loyalty, and it is satisfying the owner has suffered prejudice for diabetes and heart disease and strokes and high blood pressure and high sugar levels, and that children can eat two cups or three cups of milk whole day.

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News: Eat a glass of milk a day protects against clots – News News – Daily Newspaper News – News: Ten And a glass of milk a day protects against blows.

Source: Mursal

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