Eating an orange every day protects against this disease #


SYDNEY: A study found that those who ate an orange at least a day had a 60 percent lower risk of developing macular degeneration during the 15 years following the eating habit.

The study was conducted at the University of Sydney in Australia. Antioxidants in oranges belonging to the group of flavonoids act as antigens

Flavonoids are present in many fruits and vegetables present in green tea and act as anti-inflammatory agents that promote immunity.

Supervisor of Father R: "Even when you eat oranges once a week, some protection is obtained."

Previous studies have looked at the benefits of vitamins C, A and G for the prevention of cancer. Macular degeneration, (19659002) According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the risk of atopic dystrophy increases after the age of 50, but this risk can be reduced by dietary habits that reduce inflammation of the body, including fruit consumption Especially the oranges.

The case of macular degeneration is a problem associated with the progress of the Plus and infect the eyes can turn into a loss of sense of vision leads.

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