Experiments to prevent children from becoming diabetic since birth


Experts seek to protect children from the risk of developing type 1 diabetes since birth.

The efforts of experts to form the immune system of children by giving them insulin powder with a spoon for permanent protection, "

Insulin is a hormone that controls blood sugar and turns into diabetes in case of dysfunction.

 90% of the world's diabetes cases are type II

During the study, pregnant women attending birth clinics in the United Kingdom are invited to participate in the trial

Participating parents will be asked to give their children insulin powder every day between six months and three years old. Half of the participants were on actual insulin, while the other half received a placebo

Neither researchers nor participants knew

It is believed that one in 100 children has genes that make it more likely to develop insulin-dependent type 1 diabetes.

Experts say that blood testing is a whiplash The heel, which is usually done for newborns to determine other infections, can also be detected.

Oxford University researchers want to monitor 30,000 children in this manner to determine which ones are best for testing. Type 1 diabetes.

Diabetes is the first type of diabetes A long-lasting disease in which the pancreas does not produce insulin, which makes blood glucose levels very high.

This can cause serious long-term health problems such as blindness, cardiovascular disease and stroke.

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