Fatty liver disease costs $ 32 billion a year in America


A recent American study found that non-alcoholic fatty liver disease costs the US health care system $ 32 billion a year.

The study was conducted by researchers at the Intermutean Medical Center in Utah, Wednesday, at the Week of Gastroenterology in Washington from July 2-5

The researchers explained that the prevalence of Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which affects 100 million Americans, reflects the rising trend of obesity in the United States.

To calculate the economic burden of disease in the United States, the team reviewed Medical records for patients over a 10-year period between 2005 and 2015

The team identified 4,569 patients diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and compared their treatment costs to 12,486 uninfected patients.

The researchers analyzed the cost of health care for each patient and the common costs in both groups and then calculated the costs nationwide.

The study found that nonalcoholic fatty liver disease costs the United States $ 32 billion a year.

According to the study, costs include

Richard Gillroy, medical director of the liver transplant program at the InterMT Medical Center and head of the research team, said, "Our research is the first to provide a realistic estimate of the associated economic burden Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in the United States. "

" The results of the study highlight the major problem we face today and the potential tsunami we will face if we fail to limit the causes of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. "

Economic Burden of Illness Non-alcoholic fatty liver draws attention to the real need for readily available treatments, which will save money and lives.

An earlier study found that non-alcoholic fatty liver affects about one-quarter of the world's population (19659010), mainly affecting obese, diabetic and hypercholesterolemic people, eating foods high in saturated fat, particularly junk food.

The disease can lead to serious health problems, sometimes reaching cirrhosis in the child, and end up with liver cancer or failure I want .- (Anatolia)

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