Foods to be cooked on a cancer patient during chemotherapy


7 foods to be cooked on a cancer patient taken during chemotherapy


Sunday, July 29, 2018

Masrawy –

Cancer has some common symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, and chemotherapy may exacerbate these symptoms. Over time, the patient begins to lose weight and increases his fatigue. Therefore, doctors advise patients to eat more food and not succumb to weight loss.

1-Milek Chic

The Melk Chic is called the "cancer diet" because it is a key part of the patient's nutrition, in addition to being generally beneficial to one's health. Milk contains a variety of dietary sources that provide the body with calories that offsets weight loss, especially since it is high in fat and calories, does not require chewing, can be eaten quickly and his taste is acceptable.

Cancer steak steak should be a staple in the patient's diet, because it is rich in protein and is one of the most important nutrients that the body needs to overcome the effects of chemotherapy. A steak usually contains 50 grams of protein and 260 calories. Calories can be increased by adding mashed potatoes or pasta with olive oil.

3. Eggs

The easiest way to get protein and calories is to eat eggs. Eggs should be taken as a snack for the patient. Eggs can be eaten boiled, boiled or boiled, and can be eaten with pancakes. It is important to eat egg yolk as it contains a greater proportion of protein and micronutrients needed at this stage.

4. Yogurt

Yogurt is a good choice during chemotherapy because it is gentle and light and helps reduce nausea. Yogurt contains calcium and proteins that help healthy bones and muscles.

5. Grilled meat

Grilled meat can be prepared with potatoes, carrots and cauliflower or steamed. Proteins help the body of the ox to heal itself and to prevent nausea.

6. Broccoli

Cancer patients need 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and broccoli should be at the leading edge of its ability to resist cancer. 19659005] 7. Bananas

Bananas contain antioxidants that help fight cancer, one of the best fruits that can be taken at the time of chemotherapy. Of course, should eat a variety of fruits, in his main banana. Slices of banana can be added to peanut butter or cheese.

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