For the first time, cannabis herb is allowed in Britain to cure a girl


London – The Constitution

The child Sophia Gibson got a license to use the cannabis herb for long-term treatment, to be the first British authorizes the therapeutic use of this drug.

The BBC said that Sophia, seven years old drift syndrome, a severe form of epilepsy caused by a rare genetic defect that causes severe epileptic seizures.

Sophia's parents made an application to the Commission specialized in cannabis established by the Minister of the Interior. And their need for cannabis oil treatment to relieve seizures.

"I hope the success of this experiment will be a source of hope for hundreds of patients who need such a license," he said.

"We give priority to the present time Rearrange the use of cannabis so that families do not have to get approval from the committee for treatment and that doctors can prescribe to patients who need it

Sophia's parents said that cannabis oil relieves their daughter's symptoms Limit daily seizures

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