Gallbladder symptoms are mainly dark urine and pale stools


Most people do not care too much of bitterness until many problems start to be very painful and require immediate action, and one of the most important foods that have wheat.

According to the site "MedicalNewsToday" the researchers explained that the gall bladder is a limb in the form of a 4-inch pear under the liver in the upper right of the liver. abdomen, stores the yellow, digested by the liver On the absorption of vitamins and fat-soluble foods

The doctors pointed out that in the health of the gallbladder, this process is done painlessly, however When the gall bladder stops working properly or the bile ducts are blocked, can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

Symptoms of Gallbladder

Symptoms of Gallbladder Problems Include :

Pain in the Middle of the Right or Upper Part of the Abdomen

Most Often, the pain comes from the gallbladder and disappears. However, the pain caused by gallbladder problems ranges from mild to irregular, or very severe and frequent, often causing chest and back pain

Nausea or Vomiting

Gallbladder Problems may cause nausea or vomiting. Long-term gastrointestinal disorders cause long-term digestive problems that cause frequent nausea.

Fever or Vibration

Fever refers to an infection of the body, but may indicate other symptoms of the gallbladder.

Changes in bowel movements

often cause bitter problems Changes in bowel habits, such as frequent and unexplained diarrhea, may indicate chronic gall bladder disease, and clear stools or chalky may indicate a problem in the bile duct .

Changes in urine

Patients with gallbladder problems notice that the color is darker than normal urine. Dark urine may indicate the mass of the bile duct .

The seventh day

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