Ginseng protects against heart attacks and protects the kidneys


A scientific study conducted by the National Research Center revealed the importance of ginseng herb in the prevention of heart attacks as well as the protection of the kidneys after the injection of ginseng. adrenaline.

According to a press release issued today by the Center, the study was conducted by Dr. Abeer Abdullah Ali Salama, Dr. Rehab Ragab Hijazi and Dr. Dina Farouk Mansour, researchers in the Department of pharmacology of the Medical Research Division of the National Research Center. On the heart and kidneys against adrenaline damage by protecting against ECG changes.

Ginseng also demonstrated a counter-effect by altering the content of the nuclear agent NRF2 "in the heart and kidneys." Protein kinase o "In the heart and kidneys with a improvement in Onsjtahma.

This study was conducted to study its protective effect against oxidation causing myocardial infarction with renal injury after epinephrine injection. Ginseng was injected daily (200 and 400 mg / kg) in adult male mice for 14 days. A dose of epinephrine and the latest changes in the electrocardiogram and kidney changes.

Used in traditional medicine to treat various diseases for thousands of years, ginseng is used for oral administration from the roots of American ginseng and Asian ginseng. Role as sexual stimulant and stimulant and treatment for diabetics and It has been used in small doses in energy drinks or herbal teas, in hair tonics and in some cosmetics.

7th day

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