Health and benefits – The symptoms of vitiligo, its main signs and causes


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Vitiligo is a skin disease, which affects some people, characterized by a change in the color of the skin, and the spread of white spots in different parts of the body, so that we know in the following lines, the information the more important For vitiligo, according to the site " mayoclinic ". Vitiligo is a condition that causes the loss of skin color, appears as white spots, and can affect the skin or any part of the body, or the hair and in the interior of the mouth.

Vitiligo occurs when melanin producing cells die, "the pigment that gives skin color". All people are at risk, but more common in dark-skinned people.

Symptoms of vitiligo:

The main sign of vitiligo is an incomplete loss of skin color, usually occurring on sun-exposed body areas, such as the hands, feet, arms, face and eyes. lips.

The signs of vitiligo are as follows:

– Early whitening or shaving of hair on the scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows or beard.

– Loss of color in the tissues that line the mouth and nose.

– Loss or change of color of the inner layer of the eyeball (retina).

Vitiligo can begin at any age, but often appears before the age of twenty.

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<p>  When to go to the doctor: </p>
<p> The patient should consult a physician when he notices a loss of color in certain parts of the body, such as the skin and hair or around the eyes. </p>
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<p> Causes of vitiligo: </p>
<p> (19659003) </p>
<p>  – Immune system disorder, which causes the attack and destruction of melanoma cells in the skin. </p>
<p>  – Cells of pigmented cells (melanocytes) Genetic factors. </p>
<p>  – Burns Stress or Exposure to Industrial Chemicals </p>
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Complications of vitiligo:

Some people with vitiligo are exposed to complications including:

– Psychological and social damage.

– Sunburn and cancer of the skin

– Eye Problems, such as Iritis

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Treatment of vitiligo:

The patient must perform medical tests such as the blood test, the collection of medical history and the patient's family, and there are many methods of treating vitiligo that depends on the restoration of the skin.For the treatment of the immune system disorder, it takes several months to judge its effectiveness.

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