"Health" confirms that the decline of folic acid can be assessed for poor memory and depression. These foods are rich in this


<img width = "590" height = "295" src = "https://www.almo5tsr.com/temp/resized/medium_2018-07-12-5a6d145fec.jpg" class = "wp-post-image "alt =" "Health" confirms that the decline in folate can be assessed for insufficient memory and depression.These foods rich in […] "health" confirm that the decline in folate can be evaluated for poor memory and depression

Confirming that the decline of folic acid can be assessed for low memory and depression.These foods rich in Al-Maqtas quoted by the Al-Ahsa newspaper published "Health" confirms that the decline of folic acid can be assessed for low memory and depression.Folic acid can be evaluated for poor memory and depression.These foods are rich in propagating your visitors to our news news today We have a short story and start with the most important news s, "Health" confirms that the decline of folic acid can be evaluated for poor memory and depression ..

Al-Maqtur Journal Duration: 1 minutes

Al-Ahsa Today – Al-Ahsa

] The Ministry of Health has recommended the need to meet the daily needs of the individual in folic acid, to prevent the symptoms of memory disorders and depression.

The Ministry explained that the approximate daily human needs in folic acid are about 400 micrograms and in women 400 to 600 micrograms.

She noted that the symptoms of acid decline are memory problems, impaired vision, general weakness and limb numbness, mouth ulcer, diarrhea and depression .

She pointed out that the increase in acid consumption can be detrimental to the most important problems of the nervous system, heart disease, increase the risk of cancer, and inflammation as the Inflammation of the mouth.

The ministry has shown that folic acid is present in natural sources such as spinach, peas, white rice and pasta.

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The Al-Maqtas newspaper, "Al-Hayat" confirms that folic acid can decrease memory and depression.

  محمد طارق

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