Honey and lemon to treat leprosy Arabic morning


2018-07-16 10:42:33

Leprosy is a skin condition that affects the outer layer of the skin and is manifested as white spots and destroys the pigment cells responsible for color. natural skin. We take the benefits of honey and lemon to treat leprosy.

Causes of Leprosy:

Scientists have not identified the leading cause of leprosy and have concluded that this disease occurs as a reaction of the immune system in the body to defend "Anything that attacks the body and destroys the pigmented cells, which leads to the loss of the skin for its natural color, and many studies have confirmed that leprosy disease in the original genetic disease and a large proportion of the disease, until 39, at 30% and transmitted between generations.Between leprosy and autoimmune diseases, there is a link between the incidence of this disease and thyroid activity The disease is caused by serious mental disorders, and the disease is caused by frequent exposure to the sun, leading to sunburn leading to disease, or due to thyroid dysfunction

Treatment of lemongrass with lemon and honey:

1. Here is the basic recipe used for the treatment of leprosy: the use of lemon zest. With the treatment of leprosy three times a day, lemon contains a high concentration of vitamins, including vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and thus protects the body from many different diseases and eliminates any skin problem, including the Meadow.

To be mixed a cup of pure lemon juice with a tablespoon of white honey and be ingested A few times a day, this gives good results in healing many diseases and the return of the skin to the natural color , and can be mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice and put it on the areas affected by leprosy.

– Enter honey in leprosy disease because it contains a wide range of elements and vitamins that the body needs and contains antibacterial elements, which is a useful food in healing wounds in the body because it contains antioxidants that strengthen the immune system in the body. Honey taking a spoon of honey past Honey can be placed in place of infection, covering the place with a thin layer of honey and washed in warm water after 20 minutes until the skin absorbs honey and benefits from the nutrients it contains, it is possible to use garlic recipe with white honey by combining ground garlic with a tablespoon of white honey and put it on the infected premises, because the garlic contains many vitamins and important nutrients beneficial to the health of the body and which are resistant to viruses and bacteria.

2018 Corresponding to November 3, 1439
From: 45 minutes, 1 w Intention

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