How do you feel about colds in the summer?


Cold weather is not limited only to the winter, but can also occur during the summer. The summer cold can be avoided with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Arnet Mullers, a German clinic of the ears, nose and throat, says that summer colds, like winter colds, spread. And kissing.

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Mullers added that the risk of a summer cold increases when traveling by plane because of the presence of many people in a confined space, and that the air is cold and dry, resulting in a Limited blood circulation in the mucous membranes.

Summer colds and colds are runny nose, cough, fever, sore throat and ear pain, and the pain often lasts for a week.

Erika Baum, president of the German Society of General and Family Medicine The summer demands – as a cold winter

Reinforce immunity

To prevent summer colds, Baum recommends strengthening the immune system by multiplying vegetables and fruits rich in vitamin C, especially sweet peppers, (19659002) It is also important to wash your hands regularly and avoid as much as possible to be in overcrowded places, heat your feet and avoid exposure to large air currents.

News: Secrets of the Week: How to deal with summer colds? .. The abandonment of the week's secrets newspaper of responsibility for the full content of this news, but the responsibility lies with the original news editor and the source is the site: Arab Yemen

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