Know your body .. The hormone calcitonin regulates calcium in the body


Calcitonin is a hormone secreted by thyroid cells that mediates the regulation of calcium and phosphate levels in the blood, which affects the level of calcium in the blood, according to the site thyhormones

Calcitonin reduces calcium levels in the blood by two main mechanisms: 19659002

1. Calcitonin function is the regulation of calcium in the blood, preventing the activity of bone cells, cells responsible for bone destruction, and exposed To break, the calcium in the bone is released into the bloodstream, but when thyroid disease occurs, the hormone calcitonin is reduced by the secretion of calcium, resulting in bone weakness.

2. Reduction of calcium in the kidneys, also resulting in lower calcium levels In the blood

How is calcitonin controlled?

Calcitonin secretion is also prevented by somatostatin hormone, also released by cells C in the thyroid gland.

What happens when high levels of calcitonin?

There appears to be no direct negative effect on the body due to the presence of a lot of calcitonin.

But it can cause thyroid cancer, a rare type of cancer thyroid gland secreted by calcitonin.

What happens when calcitonin levels decrease?

There appears to be no clinical effect on the body due to the presence of some calcitonins, such as patients who have had a thyroid removed and whose undetectable calcitonin levels in the blood show no symptoms or negative signs. .



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