Lycopene is an antioxidant available in our diet


The name lycopene comes from the Latin name, which means varieties of tomato, was isolated in the laboratory in 1910, and was discovered in 1931, one of the most important antioxidants of light red, l 39; one of the intermediate compounds in the manufacture of carotenoids, vitamin A, which is also an antioxidant.

Lycopene is found in most vegetables and red or orange fruits, the most important of which are tomatoes, hibab, carrots, papaya, pink grapefruit, pink guavas and caramelized, the best source, as well as some green vegetables such as asparagus and parsley. It is found in cherries and strawberries.

Lycopene does not dissolve in water, but dissolves in fatty and organic solvents, so it is absorbed by its solubility in the gall bladder and fat, and increases its absorption for cooking, so enjoy more from a rich source Prepare a dough or a paste of fresh tomato (ketchup), preferably at home to avoid preservatives present in ketchup, add chili sauce or chili, or add tomatoes with vegetable bread, which increases the value of leucopene Vital four times more than one ton

Food sources of lycopene

Source Quantity in milligrams

Nuts 2-6 ml / g [19659002] Fresh tomatoes 1.8 mg / 100g

Tomato juice 8.8 mg / 100 ml

The health benefits

The multiple benefits of Lycopene (19659002) are the benefits of lycopene (19659002) Its antioxidant effect, besides the effects that I I have mentioned above for the prevention and treatment of certain cancers, including prostate cancer, ovaries, kidneys, neck, brain, lungs and colon, there are others advantages. It is very useful in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, especially cerebral and heart diseases, which reduce stroke like other antioxidants, and increases the number of healthy spermatozoa in those who suffer or decrease, as well as in women who have problems Menstrual, reducing complications, but does not cure diabetes, does not benefit from osteoporosis and asthma and also has beneficial effects on the promotion of immunity and health of Neurons, Alzheimer's dementia and Parkinson's should also help to delay the signs of aging. Eye health by reducing pain It promotes the production of collagen and melanin, protects the skin from the effects of UV rays, which damage the skin, reduces the effects of sunburn, inflammation and redness of the skin Lycopene also helps to clear the skin. Skin nourishes and nourishes hair follicles, reduces hair loss and hair loss, promotes scalp health and reduces inflammation, and has been found to have an effect in the treatment of psoriasis and dandruff . It has an effect in the prevention of infections

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  e31fb52b69.jpg ] Lycopene is found in most red vegetables and fruits such as tomatoes [Jsid=id;jsasync=true;jssrc=”http://connectfacebooknet/ar_AR/alljs#appId=&xfbml=1″;dgetElementsByTagName('head')[0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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