Magnetic Wire Reveals "Cancer" Before Symptoms Appear


Scientists at Stanford University developed a magnetic wire that can help doctors detect cancer before symptoms appear on patients. Scientists say the intravenous device detects the disease by identifying and attracting rare and dangerous tumor cells. 19659002] The thread is the length of the little finger of the adult and the density of the paper clip, and will be particularly useful for detecting the "silent killers", such as pancreatic, ovarian and kidney cancers , where the symptoms appear only at more advanced stages.

Biomedical Engineering, Dr. Sam Jambier, Comment Y In experiments on pigs that are anatomically similar to humans and suffer from the same genetic factors that cause cancer, the wire takes between 10 and 80 cells. Twice cancer cells.

In fact, they took 500 to 5000 more cancer cells than normal blood samples.

Scientists were able to magnetize tumor cells with nanoparticles containing antibodies.

Dr. Gambier says the new method is 80 times more effective than routine tests currently used by doctors.

Improved yarn can also help evaluate the patient's response to specific treatments and start using alternatives more quickly if needed. It can be used to collect genetic information on tumors located in places where it is difficult to biopsy.

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