Massage the abdomen to relieve the pain of the menstrual cycle


Pain, cramps, and colic are the leading causes of the menstrual cycle, one of the most striking periods for women, and cause anxiety and tension and pain, according to the "Daily" website on Sunday, July 22 2018.

1: Some research has shown that diet plays an effective role in reducing pain and seizures resulting from the monthly cycle, by moving away from high-fat foods and increasing dietary intake. Healthy foods like vegetables and fruits

2: Eat herbs and hot liquids

3: Eat fish oil supplements and vitamin B because they contain a high proportion vitamins and nutrients that reduce pain and eliminate cramps

4: Avoid caffeine such as coffee, tea and chocolate.

5: It is possible to gently massage the abdomen to get rid of contractions.

6: Bathing with lukewarm water, relaxation and rest.

7: There are appropriate exercises for the menstrual cycle such as walking and yoga. Sufficient rest and sleep to relax the muscles and joints of the body and relieve pain.


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