# Mint for the beauty of your skin


Cairo: The cosmetic experts recommend using a lot of natural masks beneficial for the beauty of the skin, including mint masks for a clean and bright face free of impurities and defects.

Cucumber Bead

Cucumber Bead


Pot of Glass

Cap of Water

Mint is a homemade mask, ideal for keeping your skin in perfect condition. health to stay beautiful and refreshed,

Spoon of lemon juice

Cup of chopped mint.

Pot in pot


Wash the cucumber and cut it into pieces and place it in the blender until it becomes a soft dough, then put this mashed potato in a bowl, add water.

Stop half a cup of cucumber paste and place in a microwave, then add lemon juice and leave in the microwave for 4-5 minutes.

Add the mint leaves to the cucumber paste and my heart well for 5 minutes.

Leave the mint mask and cucumber until it cools.

Dispose of contents and store in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator. Then put the mask on your face.

Use the peppermint mask several times for a month, and you'll notice the difference on your skin, both aesthetically and aesthetically.

The news for the beauty of your skin is from the site of Marib Press
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