New Vision Intelligent Bandages for the Treatment of Diabetic Wounds and Ulcers


The researchers published their findings, having designed smart bandages designed to effectively monitor and treat chronic wounds.

According to research, these dressings are intended for wounds and ulcers caused by diabetes.

Diabetes and other medical conditions can slow the regenerative capacity of the skin, often leading to infection and leading to limb amputation.

Innovation Developed by researchers from Tufts University and published in their latest issue of Small

To help heal these wounds, p The researchers noted that the invention was equipped with intelligent sensors, measuring pH and temperature, and loaded with doses of antibiotics and drugs. The researchers said that older patients with chronic wounds often can not move easily and that their ability to take care of themselves or to go to medical clinics is limited

. And the timely injection of drugs, PTD

The problem of developing foot or leg injuries is one of the most depressing and debilitating complications of diabetics, which, once formed, can last for months without scarring, resulting in severe pain and serious complications. 19659002] About a quarter of diabetics suffer from such complications, which are often limited to standard care, such as wet bandages and the removal of damaged tissue, which reduces pressure on the wound.

Despite these measures, complications often persist, doctors are forced to perform amputations, and diabetes is the main cause (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f .fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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