News 24 High blood pressure threatens aging of the brain


  Expressive A new study by researchers from the University of "Rush" in Chicago, America, that high blood pressure threatens the incidence of aging brain.

The study, the results showed that high blood pressure can contribute (19659002) The researchers followed nearly 1300 people at an average age of 89. Two-thirds of participants – most women – had a history of high blood pressure while 87% were taking medication for high blood pressure.

] Using the autopsy results after the participants' deaths, the researchers found that 48% had one or more infectious lesions. For the brain, the risk of injury was higher in those who had a high blood pressure. mean systolic blood pressure over the years.

They observed that for a person with an average average of 147 mm / Hg versus 134 mm / Hg,% They also found that the rapid decline in blood pressure in the elderly increases the risk of an accident cerebrovascular.

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